
U7:Planning a trip

"To do" list for an upcoming trip

For For my trip to a foreign country I need to...

v  plan your itinerary.
v  Get your trip budget (financial plan) ready
v  go to the bank to change soles into dollars.
v  get foreign currency.
v  make sure you have the currency before you go.
v  change your money.
v  get some foreign currency.
v  take your travel documents
v  take your baggage / luggage / carry-on
v  buy traveler’s checks.
v  get a book about the place you’re going.
v  get a phrase book.
v  call a travel agent.
v  declare anything you take with you.
v  declare cargo information in advance to the Customs office
v  make hotel reservations.
v  make a booking (reservation) - accommodations...
v  book a hotel room
v  book (reserve, make a reservation for, arrange, timetable ) a flight, place)
v  buy a ticket in advance.
v  investigate more about the country.
v  Get a visa.
v  Call the embassy to find out visa.

Upcoming: (adj): forthcoming; about to happen, coming up;about to take place, appear, or be presented:

  • The upcoming election will be in two months.
  • Here you can see some examples of upcoming sponsorship (patronage) projects.
  • The upcoming events will be nice.
Synonyms: coming, impending(imminent), future, approach

Currency:a system of money in general use in a particular country.

  • I need to get some foreign currency for my holidays.

A round-trip ticket = return ticket

US and Canadian a ticket entitling a passenger to travel to his destination and back again. British equivalent: return ticket.

Budget:an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.

Get your trip budget (financial plan) ready.

Income:money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.

At the travel agent


  1. toi•let•ry /ˈtɔɪlɪtri/ [countable],pl. -ries. any article, substance, or preparation used in washing, cleaning, or grooming oneself, as soap or deodorant.

  2. toi•let•ry /ˈtɔɪlɪtri/ [countable],pl. -ries. any article, substance, or preparation used in washing, cleaning, or grooming oneself, as soap or deodorant.
