
Quiz 12

Unit 12: Practice for the Exam
This kind of exam is for you to evaluate yourself. You can work with a group of classmates in the library. And then you can exchange papers and correct among you. This is what teachers call Co-evaluation; it implies that the students evaluate the work of others. It can be used for practical work, like this practice, to provide feedback before you take the real exam, quiz or test. 
A.SIMPLE PRESENT OR THE FUTURE WITH “WILL” Complete the sentences with the correct forms. Use the simple present or the future with will. Use contractions where possible
1.  After I _______________________ (graduate) in June, I guess I _____________ (look for) a job.

2.  John ____________________ (travel) around Asia this summer if he ____________(not have to) work for the family firm.

3.   If Beth ___________________  (not get) excellent grades, she ________________ (not be able to) go to medical school.

4.  Before we _____________________ (have) children, we __________________ (buy) a bigger house.

5.  Sandra thinks she _______________ (move) to Flora when se ________________ (retire) next April.
B.   Write new sentences with a similar meaning. Use the words in parentheses.
Example: If I have the money, I might travel around the world next year.
                 If I have the money, maybe I’ll travel around the world next year.
                 (maybe/ will)

1.    Jim is going to be 38 in August.
_________________________________________________________. (will)
2.    I guess I’ll go to graduate school in the fall.
_________________________________________________________. (may)
3.    If it rains tomorrow, I probably won’t go running.
_________________________________________________________. (may not)
4.    We may have enough money to travel around Europe for a month.
_________________________________________________________. (maybe/will)
5.    Sue’s not happy at work, so she may look for another job.
_________________________________________________________. (will/probably)

C.Answer these questions. Use short answers.
1.  Is your father planning to go to the beach this summer?                No,___________
2.  Would you like to fly to Shangai to visit the city?                              yes, ___________
3.  Will you be a doctor?                                                                       No,____________
4. Will you be able to travel to Europe next year?                                  yes, ___________
A.  Write the words in the box under the correct headings. Use each word only once.
architect – business executive – carpenter – doctor – nurse - receptionist
Helps sick people
Helps sick people
Helps sick people

Reading 1
Read the article carefully.
Next Time Try a Slow Trip to Europe

Slow travel is becoming more popular with visitors to Europe these days. A slow traveler doesn’t go slowly from place to place. A slow traveler goes to only one place – and stays there for at least a week. Interesting idea, you may say, but where do you stay? Not in a hotel, respond experienced slow travelers. You need to rent a vacation home.

This kind of travel has many advantages. Good European rental homes are fairly easy to get, and they are usually cheaper than hotels – especially for large groups. And the trip will be even less expensive because you can cook at home. But best of all, you’ll have more time to just relax and explore the area.

Of course, slow travel isn’t for everyone. If you rent a house, no one will come in to make your bed and clean every day, and you might not have all the modern conveniences. Also, it can take some time to plan the trip and find the right rental. But slow travelers say it’s the only way to go.
Then check () the four true statements.
1.  A slow traveler only visits a few different places.

2. Slow travelers usually stay in hotels.

3. It isn’t hard to find a vacation rental in Europe.

4. Rental homes can be inexpensive for large groups.

5. If you slow travel, you won’t save money.

6. You’ll have more timeto learn about one place if you slow travel.

7. In a rental home, you have to do more for yourself.

8. It doesn’t take a lot of planning to be a slow traveller.

Reading 2
Jobs in the Future
What will work in the United States be like in the future? No one knows exactly, of course, but everyone agrees that here will be some major changes. Here are some predictions:
·         There will be older people in the workplace. Why? There will be fewer young people in the U.S. population, and older workers will retire later.
·         People will change their jobs more often. It’s normal now for people to make one or two big career changes in their lives. In the future, people may change their careers many times before they stop working.
·         People will need an education to get a good job, but a college education won’t be enough. Many college graduates will have to go back to school for more training, especially if they change jobs.
Technology will continue to change the workplace, but it probably won’t make jobs any easier. Workers in factory jobs will need more skills because they will have to understand how to use new technology.  
Then check () the four true statements.
1.  Everybody thinks there will be important changes in the U.S. workplace.

2.  There will be more young people in the workplace.          

3.  Most older people will retire sooner.  

4.  These days, people often change their careers once or twice.

5.  A college education will be less important. 

6.  College graduates will probably need to go back to school.

7.  Technology will make it a lot easier to work in a factory.

8.  Factory workers will need to learn new skills.

Reading 3
SMALL VERSION : Read the article carefully
Everyone’s a travel agent!
The future of E-tickets
Do it yourself tours
People who use the same airline every time they travel are rewarded with points or miles, which they can exchange for free tickets. If customers buy e-tickets online, they are awarded bonus points.
However, more than 60% of online shoppers still make their final purchase through a travel agent over the phone...  
Since Web sites are cheap to run, more individuals will be able to start their own specialized online “agency.” And with all the options available online, there will be better-informed travellers. Although the number of traditional travel agents is decreasing, some people will always want to sit down with a real person and plan their trips. Many experts believe that just like online banking and shopping, the future of travel is in giving customers more choices, both online and off. And, like banking and shopping, online travel is making the world smaller- and a whole lot cheaper! 
Check if the sentences are true or false.
1.  People who travel with the same airline company are rewarded in different forms. 

2. Traditional travel agents will disappear.

3. People still sit down with a travel agent to plan their trips.

2.  Online flight tickets are cheaper than the traditional one.

LONG VERSION : Read the article carefully
Everyone’s a travel agent!
Everyone’s a travel agent!
Everyone’s a travel agent!
Frequent-flyer miles, bonus points, e-tickets, flexible-date searches- this isn’t your grandmother’s travel agency! The travel industry is changing, and as more people go online to make their own reservations, there will be less demand for traditional travel agents.
These trends are being encouraged by the major airlines and hotels, which offer discounts and specials to people who make their arrangements on the companies’ web sites. This saves the companies a lot of money because they don’t have to hire as much staff.
Customer loyalty programs, such as frequent-flyer programs, have grown tremendously in recent years. People who use the same airline every time they travel are rewarded with points or miles, which they can exchange for free tickets. If customers buy e-tickets online, they are awarded bonus points.
However, more than 60% of online shoppers still make their final purchase through a travel agent over the phone. These people are generally more comfortable purchasing an actual paper ticket from a real person. But most experts agree that as more people get used to the do-it yourself method. The way we approach travel could change in a variety of ways.
First, flexible –date searchers, available on many airline sites, allow travellers to choose their dates according to cost. This could lead to more last –minute travel, as people with flexible schedules are able to save money. Second, people will be able to design their own tours and make their itineraries available to other travellers who might be interested in joining.
Next, since Web sites are cheap to run, more individuals will be able to start their own specialized online “agency.” Finally, with all the options available online, there will be better-informed travellers- and probably more of them.
Although the number of traditional travel agents is decreasing, some people will always want to sit down with a real person and plan their trips. Many experts believe that just like online banking and shopping, the future of travel is in giving customers more choices, both online and off. And, like banking and shopping, online travel is making the world smaller- and a whole lot cheaper! 
Task : Read the article again. Name four ways that the internet will affect travel planning.
Answer to the questions below.
1. What is happening with the travel industry?
2. What will happen with the traditional travel agents?
3. Are people rewarded with points or miles every time they use the same airline?
4. Will people be able to design their own tours?
Speaking quiz
“What are you plans and predictions when you graduate from the university?




