Dear students,

On this website, you will find useful resources that will help you achieve your educational objectives or goals.
It's crucial to understand the following concepts:
Learning and understanding the English language is not at all challenging or difficult. Perfectionism is attained via practice.
In a lively environment where you watch films and listen to many English dialects, Level A1 will aid in your understanding of the most fundamental English ideas. Today, we speak about worldwide English instead of British or American English, and in educational settings, we use Academic English.
Your participation in class is essential and vital since it is how you will learn to communicate, and it is subject to approval the course.
It is crucial that you work on your project (speech) and oral exam. This is how you will demonstrate your learning.
You must complete several assignments, such as homework, workbooks, or academic files because they are required if you want to successfully complete the course. The most crucial benefit is that you will be able to build your critical thinking in relation to the learning objectives. All of that will aid you in developing your skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
P.S. You will also find some resources such as videos, grammar and exercises links.
Have a nice day! Don’t forget to study every single