
Quiz 9

Unit 9: Practice for the Exam
This kind of exam is for you to evaluate yourself. You can work with a group of classmates in the library. And then you can exchange papers and correct among you. This is what teachers call Co-evaluation; it implies that the students evaluate the work of others. It can be used for practical work, like this practice, to provide feedback before
you take the real exam, quiz or test. 
A.Circle the correct verb forms in these stories.
1.  A friend and I ran / were running in the park, and these guys rode / were riding their bikes behind us. We didn’t hear them because we listened / were listening to music. Anyway, we decided / were deciding to stop because I was tired, and one of the guys bumped / was bumping right into me. And then they just rode / were riding away!
2.  An embarrassing thing happened / was happening when I studied / was studying singing at the university. At my first concert, When I walked /was walking to the stage, I saw / was seeing a concert hall full of people. I got / was getting so scared that I completely forgot / was forgetting the words and then the music to my song. So I just stood / was standing on the stage, and then I said / was saying, “Thank you.” After that, I walked / was walking off and went /was going home.
B.   Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box
do       eat         go        run      spill       tell     delete       get       ring        send         talk           try
1.   I ……………………………..laundry when the phone ………………………………………………..
2.   Chris …………………….……a joke when Maria ……………………………………..… to the party.
3.   My daughter accidentally……….…..…all of Yuri’s files when she ………...……….to fix her computer.
4.   My family……………….…….…lunch when our server ……………… all over my daughter.
5.   Ming and Wei………….…….…home to Beijing, but the airline ……………..….their suitcases to Paris.
6.   Trish….........................................on her cell phone, and she ………………………..…. right into me.
C.   Complete the sentences with true information.
Example: I was going to the university last week when I saw our professor in a bright red sports car.
1.   When a friend of mine called the other day …………………………………………………..
2.   Last week, I was eating dinner and   ……………………………………………………………
3.   I was talking to some friends once when   ……………………………………………………
4.   When the teacher walked into the classroom the other day,  ………………………………
5.   I was trying to look cool once …………………………………………………………….……
6.   When my father arrive at the party, ……………………………………………………………   .
D.   Choose Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1.  What ……………………..…….. (you /do) when I …………………….. (call) you last night?
2.  My father in law ……………………. (sit) in a café when you …………………..…….. (call).
3.  When Sam’s son ………………………… (arrive) at the party, who …………… (be) there?
4.  Susie’s relatives …………………. (watch) a film in the living room when they ………….(hear) a noise in the kitchen. It ……..……… (be) a cat that …………….. (get) through a small window.
5.  The day before yesterday I …………… (go) to the library, next I………….. (have) a swim, later I ………..… (meet) Julie for coffee.     
6.  We ………………………... (play) tennis when John …………….………. (hurt) his ankle.
7.  What ……………..………….. (they/do) at 10 p.m. last night -  it was really noisy?
8.  My father …………………….. (work) in a bank when he ……………….. (meet) my mom to be.
9.  When my mother ………………….. (leave) the house, it …………………… (snow).
10.  At 7:00 p.m. yesterday, all my family …………………….. (listen) to music in the balcony
11.  My cousins …………………….. (live) in Germany when they …………….. (be) young. 
12.  Why …………………….. (you/(stand) on a chair when I ……………(come) into the room?
E.    Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.
1.     ____ Australia? That sounds like a fun trip.
__1_ You won’t believe what I did last week. I was riding my bike with a friend in City Park.
____ Yeah – there’s more. I wasn’t paying attention and ran right into a woman in front of me.
____ Yeah, it is. Anyway, my friend and I were talking about going to Australia.
____ Oh, that’s a beautiful park.
__6_ I bet she wasn’t too happy!
2.     ____ Yeah. So I jumped out of bed, got dressed, and ran all the way to school.
__2_ You’re kidding! That late?
____ I bet no one even notice.
____ Yeah, I was. And when I got to class, I saw that I was wearing different sneakers!
____ Guess what I did? I woke up late this morning, and it was after 10:30.
__4_ The whole way? I bet you were exhausted!
3.     ____ I know. The horse fell right on top of her, and she couldn’t get up. But my father was nearby.
__5_ Yeah, it was. My dad took her to the hospital, and she’s Ok now.
____ Do you remember my cousin, Courtney? Well, one day last summer she was riding her horse when the horse fell.
____ That was lucky!
____ Oh, my gosh! That’s awful.
__6_ I bet you’re happy about that.
F.    Circle the correct words
1.    My sister sprained she/her/you ankle her/herself/she.
2.    My/me/mine/I/myself mother always cooks for our/us/your.
3.    We/He/ You doesn’t know him/her/you name.
4.    Jack’s friends are in class. These books are themselves/their/they/theirs.
5.    He is so vain. He likes to talk about he/him/his/himself all the time.
6.    The cat hurt it/its/itself back itself/you/it.
7.    Her brother? Yes, she told me all about himself/him/he/his
G.    Circle the correct words.
1.   I can’t move. I hurt my back / thumb / arm.
2.   It’s hard to walk. I broke my nose /leg /shoulder.
3.   I cut my finger /toe / face.
4.   I sprained my finger /ankle / chest, so it’s hard to write.
5.   It hurts to wear high heels. I broke my finger / shoulder / toe.
6.   I got a black eye/ head / neck. I can’t see clearly.
7.   I can’t bend my arm. I hurt my elbow / hip / knee.
8.   It’s hard to wash dishes. I cut my knee / foot / hand.
9.   I hurt my thumb/ neck / wrist. I can’t run my head.
10. I broke my nose / hip /eye. It’s hard to breathe
H.   Write the words in the box under the correct headings. Use each word only once
ankle    eye     finger    knee    nose   thumb   toe   mouth   palm

K. SIMPLE PAST OR PAST CONTINUOUS Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.  Yesterday, I _____________________ to Cibertec when I ______________________ our teacher in a bright red sports car. (go/see)

2.  A friend of mine accidentally ____________ all my music files yesterday when she __________________ my computer. (delete/use)

3.      A: “I ________ myself last night.”   B: “Oh, _________ you _________?” (burn/cook) 
L.  Complete the anecdotes with the past continuous or the simple past
1.  I __________________________ (hurt) my arm yesterday. I __________________ (look) for something in the cabinets in the kitchen. I __________________ (stand) on a chair, and I _____________________ (fall) off the chair.

2.  Last Sunday, Lee ___________________ (drive) in the country, and he ____________ (not notice) a dog in the middle of the road. Luckily, he __________________ (stop) his car in time, so he ________________________ (not hit) it.

M.   Read the situations. Write follow-up questions with the past continuous.
Example: A: I fell off my bike last weekend.
                 B: Oh, no! Were you going fast?
1.    A: Tom hurt his back at work.
B: That’s too bad. ___________________________________?
2.    A: I cut my thumb in the garden.
B: How did that happen? ___________________________________?
3.    A: I burned myself this morning.
B: ___________________________________ on the stove?
4.    A: Julie had a car accident.
      B: Really. ___________________________________?

N.Complete the conversations with reflexive pronouns
1.    A: Did Jeff travel to England by __________________________?
B: No, he went with his parents.
2.    A: I fell down when I was playing soccer yesterday.
B: Oh, did you hurt ___________________________?
3.    A: What’s wrong with your hand?
B: I burned ______________________ while I was making breakfast.
4.    A: Did you go out to dinner for your anniversary?
B: No, we made dinner ___________________________________.
O.   Read each story and check ( ü) the best response
1.    I was running to a bus stop the other day, and I wasn’t paying attention, so I ran into this woman. She fell down and, and her purse spilled all over the sidewalk.
5 I bet that was boring.
5 Oh, no! That’s terrible.
5 Boy, you were lucky.
2.    I say a friend in a restaurant, so I went and sat down at her table. I was talking to her for about a minute when I realized I didn’t know her! She wasn’t my friend!
5 Wow! How embarrassing!
5 I bet she didn’t notice.
5 I hear it’s a nice place.
3.    I bought some expensive tickets for a football game, but I forgot about them. The day after the game, I remembered them.
5 Oh, that sounds nice.
5 Did you enjoy the game?
5 I bet you were upset.
4.    I took a taxi home from the airport. The driver put one of my bags in the front seat. When I got home, I forgot about the bag, and he drove away with it.
5 Oh, no! Did you get it back?
5 I bet you were really happy.
5 Wow! That’s really funny.

Reading 1
Q1. Read this letter to nelson hunter’s column. Circle the correct answer.
Something nice happened last weekend. I was with my girlfriend in a really expensive restaurant. We were celebrating our birthdays – both our birthdays are in the first week of June. Anyway, while we were looking at the menus, a cell phone rang. It was the guy next to us. When he finished his conversation, he and his wife got up right away, paid the bill, and left the restaurant. A few minutes later, the owner of the restaurant came to our table. He asked if we wanted a free dinner. The meal was from the people at the next table. They had to leave because they had an emergency, and they didn’t have time to eat anything. It was this really nice big meal for two people – salad, steak, everything. So we had a delicious dinner, and we didn’t have to pay for it!
1.  Rick and his girlfriend’s birthdays are ---
a.  5the same day                   b. 5the same year                        c. 5the same week

2.  When the cell phone rang, Rick and his girlfriend were ---
a.  5leaving the restaurant       b. 5eating their meal                    c. 5looking at their menus

3.  The other customer didn’t eat their meal because ---
a.  5they didn’t like                   b. 5it was too expensive              c. 5they had to leave

4.  Rick and his girlfriend didn’t --- the meal.
a.  5Order                                     b. 5eat                                     c. 5want

5.  The owner of the restaurant ---
a.   5offer them a free meal. b.5asked them to pay for the meal. c.5Asked if they wanted to order.
Reading 2
Read the story. Then circle the best title
Strange Lights /An Unusual Server/ The Dangers of Fog

A few years ago, while I was driving across eastern Canada, something very unusual happened. I still don’t understand what happened.

While I was driving at night through thick, heavy fog, I noticed flashes of light in the sky. They were moving from the sky onto the road in front of my truck. I was driving slowly, and I couldn’t see very well, but those lights were as bright as daylight, and they were blue. It was definitely not lightning.

Now here’s where the story gets weird. I was getting tired of driving in the fog, so I pulled off the road and stopped at an all-night restaurant for travelers.

I walked in and sat down at the counter. When the server came to my table, she laughed and asked me how I got such a bad sunburn. I didn’t know what she meant, but my face was bright red! I splashed cold water on it and held a towel to my skin. My hands were also burned. I  was very puzzled and a little frightened.

I went back to my table and ordered something to eat. I was feeling weak and extremely tired, and I wasn’t hungry anymore. After I forced myself to eat a few bites of food, I checked into a nearby motel, where I slept for about 24 hours. After that, I didn’t see any more light flashes, and the “sunburn” on my face and hands disappeared after a few days. Even now, I wonder about those flashes of light – I’ll never forget them!   
Read the story again. Write T (true) of F (false) for each sentence. Then correct the false sentences
1.    The unusual event happened a few months ago. ________          ( years  )
2.    The man saw the flashes of light while he was driving one foggy night. ______
3.     He noticed his sunburn before he went into the restaurant. _______
4.    The server was frightened by the man’s appearance. _______
5.    The man ate a big meal at the restaurant because he wasn’t hungry. ______
6.    After the man checked into a motel, he slept for a long time._______
7.    The man didn’t see any more light flashes after that night._______
8.    The burns disappeared on his face after a few years._________

Answer the questions.
1.  Where did this unusual event happen? _________________________________________
2.  What did the man see while he was driving one foggy night? ________________________
3.  Was the man hungry when he walked into the restaurant?   _________________________
4.  Did the burns on his face disappear? __________________________________________
Speaking quiz
Write two or three short paragraphs about an unusual or an anecdote (a funny thing) that happened to you or to one of your friends or to someone you know. Use Past Continuous VS. Simple past tense, while, when, so, suddenly, as well as links like then, after that, next, finally  etc, etc.   (60-80 words)





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