
Quiz 8

Quiz (Unit 8)

This kind of exam is for you to evaluate yourself. You can work with a group of classmates in the library or information center. Then you can exchange papers and correct among you. This is what teachers call Co-evaluation; it implies that the students evaluate the work of others. It can be used for practical work, like this practice, to provide feedback before you take the real exam, quiz or test.


A.  Answer these questions. Use short answers. ( 0.50 each one) (2 marks)

1.   Do you like Turkish rugs?                                                                     No,___________
2.   Are there curtains in your living room?                                                   yes, ___________
3.   Does someone in your family keep old records ?                                   No, ___________
4.   Are you a pack rat?                                                                             Yes, ___________

B.  Read the statements . Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1.  ________ Danny wakes up around noon on Sunday. ( first/ as soon as)
2.  He sleeps for thirty or so minutes more __________ he gets out of bed. (before / after)
3.  _____________, he takes a quick shower, gets dressed, and goes downstairs. (then/ while)
4.  ___________, he goes into the kitchen and makes a huge breakfast. (when / next)
5.  ___________he’s eating breakfast; he reads the sports section of the paper. (during/while)
6.  He checks his e-mail messages ______________ he finishes his breakfast. (when/next)
7.  He watches football on TV ___________ he’s off the computer. (as soon as/ then)
8.  He usually falls asleep once or twice _____________ the game. (during/while)
9.  ___________ the game is over, Danny goes upstairs and takes a long nap. (then/after)

C.  Complete the rules: possessive adjective or possessive pronoun

1.    A ________________________ is used alone, without a noun following it.
2.    A ________________________ is used only with a noun following it.

D.  Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

1.  Can I use your chair? My chair is smaller than _________. (her – hers – she)
2.  Luke at this picture. These are my nieces. ________ names are Cristina and Laura. (them-their-theirs)
3.  Don’t use Martin’s cup! It’s __________________ (he – him – his)
4.  President Obama was born in Hawaii but _______ father was born in Kenya. (his – your – him)
5.  The house where they live is not _______. They are renting it. (they – them – theirs)
6.  Carla Bruni is really pretty. I’m in love with __________. (she – hers – her )
7.  My cell phone id dead. Can I use _________? (it – yours – your)
8.  We have a big problem. Can you help __________? (us – we – them)
9.  I’m  going to see the rolling Stones. Do you like ___________? (them – it – they)
10.   That car is not ours. Is it ____________? (your – yours – ours)
11.   My job is wonderful. I really like __________ !  (its – mine – it)
12.   We’re an international school. ____________ students come from different countries around the world. (us – our – ours)
13.   My friend John has got a new dog, _________ old dog died last week.
14.   Wait a minute. I can’t find my wallet. It was next to _________. (mine – your – yours)

E.  Write the questions for the answers

1.  ______________________________________________________
     It is mine. Yours is in your closet.

2.  ______________________________________________________
     Sure. What kind do you want.

3.  ______________________________________________________
     No, not at all. Go right ahead.

4.  ______________________________________________________
No, not really. I like the red one on the left.   

F.  Unscramble the words for making sentences.

1.    Do / which / furniture / like / you?
2.    round / want / speakers / I / those / little / cute
3.    phone / mind / if / you / do / your / I / use?
4.    in / you / would / helping / the / mind / me / bedroom?
5.    potatoes /wash / chop / you / onions / could / the / while / the / I ?
6.    your / borrow / for / minutes / can / cell phone / I / a / few?
7.    usually / things / I / find / can / not / but / in my drawer / in my closet?
8.    like / in a drawer /I / keep/ brushes/, /and / / stuff/ shampoo/ my hair dryer
9.  my/ the /closet / shelf /my /on /a /on / floor /of / small / are / shoes ? 

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