
Quiz 6

Unit 6: Practice for the Exam
This kind of exam is for you to evaluate yourself. You can work with a group of classmates in the library. And then you can exchange papers and correct among you. This is what teachers call Co-evaluation; it implies that the students evaluate the work of others. It can be used for practical work, like this practice, to provide feedback before you take the real exam, quiz or test. 
A.  Answer these questions. Use short answers.
1.   Is there an electronics store around here?                                  Yes,___________
2.   Can I park there?                                                                         No, ___________
3.   Are there any pay phones over there?                                        Yes,___________
4.   Are there any jewellery stores in the neighbourhood?                No, ___________
5.   Is there a drugstore around here?                                                Yes,___________
6.   Did you say 813 Center Street?                                                   No, ___________
7.   Can I visit museums?                                                                   No, ___________
8.   Were there nice cheap restaurants?                                           Yes,___________

B.  Put the sentences in the correct order. Say, which of them are offers and which of them are requests.
1.     (help/ you / could/ me)
2.     (can / I /how / help)
3.     (recommend / good/ you / can / hotel/ a)
4.     Airport / to / give/ directions / me / can / you/ the
5.     (do/ I / can/what)

6.     go / near / to / place / shopping / your / what’s / favourite / here?

7.     nightlife / interesting / neighbourhood / do / know / a / you / with?

8.     a / department store / walking / within / distance / is / there / a ?

9.     to / could / me / the / directions / you / give / drugstore /nearest ?

C.  Complete the conversation with the words in the box. Use each word only once.
block   –    corner    –    directions   –     make    –     right    –    straight    –    tell   -    turn
1.    A: Excuse me. Can you ______________ me how to get to the Bradford Hotel?
B: Sure. Go _________________ ahead for three blocks. Then ___________ right and go to the end of the  ________________ you can’t miss it.

2.    A: Can you give __________________ to the zoo?
B: Sure- Go four blocks. Then ________________ a left. Turn left again at the _________, and walk up a block. It’s ________________ there, on the right.


Look at the map. Give directions

     Your are on River Street around the City High School and you want to get/go to the City Library. write the conversation. There is a person who will help you to reach that place.

A: Could _______________________________________________________________?

Write Requests and Offers.
1.    Make an offer: Ask how you can help the person. 
2.    Make a request: Ask someone to recommend a good place to go running.
Write an “echo” question for the underlined expression in each conversation
Example:    A: The concert tickets cost sixty dollars each.
B: They cost how much?

1.    A: There’s a great bicycle path in the park.
B: _________________________________

2.    A: The stadium is on state Street.
B: _________________________________

3.  A: The aquarium closes at 8:30 on Friday nights.
B: _____________________________________

4.  A: Let’s go to the museum. It’s just a few blocks away.
B: _____________________________________

Some people are at the Sea View Hotel. Where do they want to go? Look at the map. Complete the conversations with the names of the places.

4. A: Can you tell me how to get to the _____________________________________?
B: Sure. When you leave the hotel. Turn right. It’s on the next block. It’s there on your right.

5. A: Can you tell me how to get to the _____________________________________?
 B: Yes. Go out of the hotel, and turn left. Turn left again at the corner, go one block, and turn right. It’s on your left.
6. A: Can you help me? I’d like to go to the ________________________________________ .
 B:  Yes. Turn right out of the hotel. Go straight for another block, and make a left. Walk two blocks. It’s on your right, next to the restaurant.

Look at the picture and complete the information below
1.      There is a bank ____________________ First Street and d Main Street.
2.      The drugstore is _____ Main street ____________ post office and the movie theatre.
3.      Complete the conversation (You are at the bank)

A: Excuse me Sir, how can I get to the church?
       B: Let’s see. Go down one block on First street then _____________ on Central Avenue. Walk up _________________. The church is ________________hospital. You can’t miss it.

Welcome to the desert town of Coober pedy in the outback of Australia. The name Coober Pedy comes from the Aboriginal words kupa piti,which mean “white man in a hole.” We hope you’ll come visit.
Explorers first found opals in  this area on February 1, 1915. In 1946, an Aboriginal woman named Tottie Bryant dug out a large and valuable opal. After that, a lot of people came to Coober Pedy to mine opals.
During the 1960s, many European immigrants came to work here, and coober Pedy quickly became a large modern town. Today, Coober Pody  is the world’s main source of high-quality opals and a unique tourist spot.
It’s so hot in Coober Pedy that a lot of people live underground! There are many underground homes, as well as underground hotels, museums, opal shops, art galleries, and , of course, opal mines.
We recommend that you visit these places when you come to Coober Pedy:
The Opal Mine and Museum is a unique underground museum about the history of the town. It includes a model underground home and a small opal mine. Some of the world’s finest opals are on display here.
The moon Plain is a large rocky area unlike anywhere else. It looks like the moon – or another planet! It was the set for many movies, including mad max Beyond Thunderdome; The adventures of Priscilla,
Queen of the Desert; and The Red Planet. It is about 15 kilometres northeast of Coober Pedy.
Coober Pedy Drive-In is an open-air movie theatre. You can see four movies a month here-every other weekend on Friday and Saturday nights.  
Answer to the questions below about Coober Pedy
1.      What does the name Coober Pedy mean?
2.    What did Tottie Bryandt find?
3.    Is Coober Pedy the world’s main source of high-quality opals?  
4.    Was The Moon Plain the set for many movies?
Read the article on Coober  Pedy again. Then match the two parts of each sentence.
1.  The name Coober Pedy means____
2.  Tottie Bryant found____
3.  Coober Pedy became a modern mining town when ____
4.  At present, Coober Pedy is the world’s main source____
5.  As a tourist place, Cooper Pedy is famous for____  
6.  The Moon plain was____
a)  The set for many movies.
b)  A very big and valuable opal.
c)  Its underground homes, museums, stores, and mines.
d)  “White man in a hole.”
e)  Immigrants came to work in the mine.
f)   Of high-quality opals.

Speaking quiz
Write a guide for a walking tour for an area in your city or town. Write about three different places. Give directions and explain why they are worth a visit





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