
Quiz 10

Unit 10: Practice for the Exam
This kind of exam is for you to evaluate yourself. You can work with a group of classmates in the library. And then you can exchange papers and correct among you. This is what teachers call Co-evaluation; it implies that the students evaluate the work of others. It can be used for practical work, like this practice, to provide feedback before you take the real exam, quiz or test. 
A.     Answer these questions. USE SHORT ANSWERS .
1.  Is your sister using a video conferencing?                                                               Yes, _________
2.  Does Alma think that e-mail is slower than anything else?                                      No, _________
3.  Did Paco’s parents think that video conferences are more expensive?                  No, _________
4.  Do you keep in touch with your parent by using text messaging?                          Yes, _________ 
5.   Are you using instant messaging right now?                                                           Yes, ________
6.  Does your sister think that e-mail is slower than anything else?                             No, _________
7.  Did Sara’s brother think that video conferences are more expensive?                  No, _________
8.  Do your friends keep in touch with their parents by using text messaging?           Yes, ________  
9.  Are your friends using instant messaging?                                                              Yes, _________
B.    COMPARATIVE FORMS Complete the conversations with the comparative forms of the adjectives (  = more    = less)

1.    A: E-cards are ____________________________ (   fun) than regular cards.
B: Yeah, but real cards are _________________ (    nice).

2.    A: E-mail is ___________________ (  expensive) than regular mail..
B: I know. It’s ______________________ (   fast), too.

3.     A: I don’t like to send text messages. It’s ____________________ (  easy) to make a
    phone call.
B: But sometimes it’s __________________________ (  convenient) to just send a

4.    A: Do you think letters are ___________________ (   good) than e-mail?.
B: Yes. I like them because they’re ___________________ (  personal)

C.    Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets. USE COMPARATIVES
1.  It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) ________________ than a beer.
2.  The tall guy was (clever)_________________  than the girl with long black hair .
3.  Winter is (nice) ____________ than summer for me.
4.  We have to walk (far) ____________________ than all of you.
5.  My sibling is (good) ______________ at English than me.
6.  The new car is (bad) _____________ than we thought.
7.  Apples are (good) ____________ than pizzas at night.
8.  My house is (small) ___________than yours
9.  This girl is (beautiful) _____________ than that one.
10.  This is the (interesting) _________________ book I have ever read.
11.  Non-smokers usually live (long) ______________ than smokers.
12.  Your grades are the (good) ___________________.
D.    Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives.
13. Postcards are __________ (slow) than e-mail.
14. Cell-phone service is _______________ (expensive) than regular phone service.
15. Instant messaging is ______________ (easy) than text messaging.
16. I think e-cards are ______________ (convenient) than regular cards.
17. To me, regular photos are ___________________(nice) than digital photos.
18. I think junk mail is even _____________________ (bad) than spam.
19. It’s ___________________ (important) to have a phone than to have a computer.
20. Online newspapers are _________________ (good) than regular newspapers.
21. The weather this summer is even (bad) ______________ than last summer.
E.    Fill in with the words in the box
more       less         fewer
1.People spend __________ time on the phone than forty years ago.
2. Nowadays, we don’t chat ____________ that when I was young 

F.     COMPARATIVE FORMS Read the situations. Write sentences with the words in parentheses

Example:         I get a lot of voice mail messages. I don’t get a lot of text messages. (fewer)
                   I get fewer text messages than voice-mail messages.

1.    Judy gets 20 phone calls a day. Janet gets 15 phone calls a day. (more)
2.    I spend a lot of time on the phone. My brother doesn’t spend a lot of time on the phone. (less)
3.    My parents didn’t send many e-mails two years ago. They send a lot of e-mails now. (More)
4.    Last year, I wrote one or two letters a month. Now I only write one or two letters a year. (fewer)
5.    Beth talks on the phone a lot. Marie doesn’t talk on the phone very much. (less)

G.   Unscramble the words under the line to complete the sentences
1. Polly can be moody sometimes, that's why ____________________________________.
                                                                         Victor /friends / has / fewer / she / than 
2. Victor loves children and   __________________________________________________.
                                               more /he /Polly / has / patience /than   

3. Victor works in a big circus; _________________________________________________.
                                                         than/  he /  less /  time/   got/   has/ Polly 

4. Polly 's parents are very rich; ________________________________________________.
                                                   more/ she/ than/ Victor/ money/ has 

5. Victor is a clown; __________________________________________________.
                                   he /funny /has /than /more /Polly /clothes. 

6. Polly would like to be a clown but ____________________________________________.
                                                             Than/ she/ has/talents/ Victor/ fewer

7. Victor has a lot of clothes so ________________________________________________.
                                                       more/ Polly/ suitcases/ than/ has/ he 

8. Polly is very young so _____________________________________________________.
                                             than/   less/   has/   she/   experience/   Victor/

9. Victor' life is hard: __________________________________________________.
                                          luck /less /he /Polly /than /has 

10. Polly doesn't travel much; _________________________________________________.
                                                 Victor /less /has /she/ luggage /than /got

11. Victor knows lots of funny stories; ___________________________________________ .
                                                             /he /more //has /than /humour /Polly
12. Polly isn't a clown so _____________________________________________________.
                                         / ideas /has /Victor /she /fewer /funny /than


Funny clothes
Funny ideas
H.   Match the sentences in these telephone conversation
1.  Can you hear me?                                            
2.  Did you get my message?
3.  Could I speak to Jack, please?       
4.  You’re hard to reach.      
5.  Please leave a message.               
6.  Call me back, Ok?           
_____ a) You’re not easy to get hold of, either.
_____ b) Sure. Are you at the office? 
_____ c) Not really. We have a bad connection.
_____ d) yeah, I think so. When did you leave it?
_____ e) Uh, I’m sorry. You have the wrong number.
_____ f) Hi, Josh! This is Marjorie
I.      Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives.
1.  A: Do you like e-cards? I think they’re _________________ (interesting) than real cards.
B: True. And they’re _____________ (easy) to send, too.

2.  A: Do you prefer your tablet or your laptop?
B: My laptop. It’s ___________ (big), but it is  ___________ (useful) than a tablet. Tablets are ______________ (difficult) to work on.
Reading 1
Q1.    Read the article carefully.     
Instant Messaging (IM) isn’t just a hobby for bored teenagers anymore. Here are some interesting facts about IM use in the United States today:
· Young people still use IM much more than their parents. However, about 40% of adult Internet users use IM software.
· In one survey, 27% of IM users say that they send instant messages at work. IM use in the workplace is more and more popular (up more than 70% last year).
· Almost 30% of IM users say that IM is more important for them than e-mail. That is, they send more instant messages than e-mils every day.
· Nearly 25% of IM users send messages to people in the same location, such as in a home. For example, a teenager in his bedroom could send a message to his father in the living room.
· Most IM users send messages regularly to only a small group of people – six or fewer.
Then check  ( ) true or false for each statement
1.  Fewer than half of adult Internet users use IM software.

2.  IM use is becoming more popular in the workplace.

3.  All IM users send more IM messages than e-mail every day.

4.  People sometimes use IM to contact people in the same place.

5.  Most IM users send messages to a lot of different people.

Reading 2
Q1.    Read the article carefully.     
I hate moving!
By Chris Steiner

It’s getting harder for me to move these days. Why? I’m a pack rat. And I collect a lot of heavy things. For instance, I have lots of books. And I have records. Most of my friends gave away their records when CDs became more popular, but I didn’t. Instead, I got theirs.

I remember my first move – from my parent’s house to college. It was pretty easy. I packed my clothes, my stereo, and a few books into my car – that was it! However, my last move was a nightmare. It took me weeks to pack.

You see, I’m also not very organized. Other people pack related items into neat little boxes and label them carefully, but I don’t. When I move, my boxes are all full of different stuff – some clothing, a golf ball, a book, and a bathroom towel, for example – so I can’t find things for weeks.

I moved here six years ago, and I’ll probably move again in a couple of years. Will my next move be easier? I doubt it. You can collect a lot of things in eight years.  
…Then check  ( ) true or false for each statement
1.  Chris got some of his records from his friends.

2.  Chris’s move to college wasn’t h

3.  Chris packs different kinds of things together.

4.  Chris’s last move was eight years ago.

Reading 3
Read the article. Then mark ( X ) the two true statements.
Next Time Try a Slow Trip to Europe
Slow travel is becoming more popular with visitors to Europe these days. A slow traveler doesn’t go slowly from place to place. A slow traveler goes to only one place –and stays there for at least a week. Interesting idea, you may say, but where do you stay? Not in a hotel, respond experienced slow travelers. You need to rent a vacation home.
This kind of travel has many advantages. Good European rental homes are fairly easy to get, and they are usually cheaper than hotels-especially for large groups. And the trip will be even less expensive because you can cook at home. But best of all, you’ll have more time to just relax and explore the area.
Of course, slow travel isn’t for everyone. If you rent a house. No one will come in to make your bed and clean every day, and you might not have all the modern conveniences. Also it can take some time to plan the trip and find the right rental. But slow travelers say it’s the only way to go.
1. A slow traveler only visits a few different places in hotels.   

2. Slow travelers usually stay in hotels.                                      

3. It isn’t hard to find a vacation rental in Europe.                       

4. In a rental home you have to do more for yourself.                 

5. It doesn’t take a lot of planning to be a slow traveler.             

Speaking quiz
Writings ( 80 Words minimum) (5 points)
1.   Write an article about the advantages and disadvantages of using FACEBOOK.

2.   What are the pros and cons of cell phones? Compare them with other methods of communication.

Ø (Consider: introduction, in the first body consider the advantages and in the second one the disadvantages. In the last paragraph write the conclusion.) 

Ø Use comparatives 






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